violent death

美 [ˈvaɪələnt deθ]英 [ˈvaɪələnt deθ]
  • 暴力致死;横死;暴亡
violent deathviolent death


an event that causes someone to die
Synonym: killing


  1. Her family are still trying to come to terms with her violent death .


  2. It usually means that they 've had a sudden or very violent death .


  3. She died a violent death .


  4. Why excavates K-V5 's archaeology one not to die a violent death ?


  5. Like what ? Like he died a violent death ?


  6. She cannot help associating the house with a scene of violent death .


  7. He 's in his violent death spin , remember ?


  8. The marks left no doubt that the boy had died a violent death .


  9. Comedians base their jokes on tragic situations like violent death or serious accidents .


  10. Results of autopsy showed that 35 cases were sudden death , 81 pathological death and 24 violent death .


  11. And like all ecosystems with an abundance of life , there is always the danger of violent death .


  12. He died a calm / a dog 's / an unnatural / violent death .


  13. It 's called " sick humour " . Comedians base their jokes on tragic situations like violent death or serious accidents .


  14. Animal rights activists argue that foxes suffer a cruel and violent death ( after a very stressful chase ) .


  15. He was the silent of the storm that erupted after the violent death of Diana , Princess of Wales .


  16. Like a phoenix rising from the ashes , astronomers have found a whole new solar system may be forming in the wake of a star 's violent death .


  17. ' Be no more ' is a euphemism for ' be dead ' his violent death was euphemistically referred to as a passing away .


  18. Which is worst of all , continual fear and danger of violent death , and the life of man solitary , poor , nasty , brutish , and short .


  19. Shortly after the birth of their son , Luke , Cave returned to London with his family and began to work on a new album , comprising songs about violent death .


  20. But when one of their number dies a violent death , they soon realize that what happens in their dreams happens for real , and the only way to stay alive is to stay awake .


  21. In this way we can preserve the Han Dynasty . " " If I fail to do as you say , " she vowed , " I will die a violent death . " These were the interlocking stratagems laid by Wang Yun and Diao Chan .


  22. Surely nothing tests the faith of the believer as much as this - the sudden , frightening , violent death of those we love.There have been many attempts to reconcile intellectually such unbearable tragedies with faith in a loving God . They range from the not wholly convincing to the quite appalling . The Book of Job has both .


  23. Through to the violent crime death penalty legal precedent analysis , summarizes the judicial practice common several kind of discretion of punishment plot .


  24. If both trends continue , more and more Americans will come to associate guns not with healthy outdoorsmanship , as the NRA would like , but with swift and violent human death .


  25. Besides , the color red also bears some particular symbolic meanings , which are blood , anger , violent passion and death .


  26. So they have no doubt about the possibility of flashbacks and visions in those who meet violent and sudden death .


  27. The World Conference on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion is a platform for sharing the latest scientific knowledge on preventing violent and injury-related death and disability .


  28. But in the aftermath of that , I was subjected to a barrage of violent rape and death threats .
